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How to Actually Catch a Burglar with Video Surveillance

Posted by Taniqua Pino on Fri,Apr 08,2016 @ 02:47 PM

prisoner-clipart-clip-art-police-prisoner.gifIf a burglar does break into your home, they will most likely be gone before the police show up.

Having a security system with video surveillance can minimize what they get away with. A thief can kick down most doors in seconds. Upon hearing the alarm, they will know help is on the way. BUT once they are in, even though the alarm is creaming to get back out, they know there's enough time to grab your laptop off the kitchen table or the $600 iPhone just inside the door. The police will arrive a few minutes later.

Having video cameras as a part of your system can identify your burglar and lead the police to him. The trick is just like real estate.... Location, Location, Location! Having these cameras in the most common areas burglars use to break into a home is a vital part of your home security plan and actually catching a burglar. ADT Pulse offers affordable video Surveillance cameras that enhance your home security and than the chances of catching a thief or would be thief when they come onto your property.


How does a burglary look? Where should I put my ADT Pulse Cameras?

The diagram below from the Washington Post shows the percentage of time that a burglar gains entry through each area:


Let's take a look at the the most common entries and also the type of security sensor that would be on the opening in question. You can always have an ADT Pulse camera record when motion is detected on the camera. A great back up that might start your video clip a little earlier in some cases would be to set up the sensor on the correlating openings to trigger a video clip as well. 

1) Front door - ADT Pulse Door Sensor -  34% of burglars break in here

I know that I would think the front door is the LAST place that a burglar should come through. However, facts don't support that and this does coincide with how many burglars approach a possible break-in.

A burglar will start the actual break-in by knocking on the door. If you answer, they will pretend to be in the area for another reason, like lost and looking for directions or offering free painting estimates. (check out the excuses the would be burglars give in this video) If no one answers the door, they'll kick the door in. 

Although about 80% of burglars will leave when they see the alarm sign, some however, will wonder if you bought a sign off Ebay or like many people, you sometimes forget to arm the system. 

Your front door camera should be high above the front door beyond reach of the burglar. Depending on the layout of your home, have the camera cover other openings that are close to the front door. Having the front door ADT Pulse Door Sensor trigger to record a video clip and the camera itself set up to record when it senses motion assures you get the most action caught on tape (cyber "tape" at least).


2) First-floor window - ADT Pulse Window Sensor & Motion Sensors (Detectors) - 23% of burglars break in here

First floor windows can make for an easy entry into your home. Especially if you put a nice picturesque bush under it where they can hide for as long as it takes them to open the window and not be seen. If you want a bush there make it a thorny bush. 

Looking at your home's layout, see what windows look easiest, AND don't make it easy, lock your windows, think about inexpensive window locks that don't allow them to slide. The cameras can be place outside and above the windows or inside your home, pointed at the window. 

Placing a camera at this entry point has the double benefit of catching the faces of “window peepers.” That is, those who look through the window to scout out your home before they decide to break in, possibly at a later date. Using the ADT pulse window sensors or in some cases, people will cover multiple windows with ADT Pulse glass break sensors or ADT Pulse motion sensors (detectors) again assures that a video clip is caught as soon as the first device detects something. 


3) Back door - ADT Pulse Door Sensors- 22% of burglars break in here

This is definitely where I would think to enter. Most back yards are secluded and a burglar is free to be a bit more relaxed, move slowly and slower can mean less noise created by the break-in. 

Similar to your front door, you want the camera at your back door installed high enough that the burglar can't just grab it and pull it off the wall or break it.


4) The Garage Door- ADT Pulse Garage Door Sensor- 9% of burglars break in here

I was personally surprised the garage door gets so little love from the burglars. Youtube is full of videos on how to break into a garage doors. But with many layouts, the garage is also a clear view from the street and and all passing traffic. Placing the camera high on the wall above the garage to one side or the other allows you to get an angle that catches the entire garage door.

If you cover these area, you will catch 88% of burglars on video. Taking a good look at your home, you might be able to cover the basement, and storage areas with additional cameras or with-in the scope of these cameras.

This is a great start to planning where to place your security cameras! However, each home will have slight variations and surroundings that can create different of varying needs. We hope you find this information helpful and if you would like to have a security expert come to your home and go over this information and more, contact us at 1-800-310-9490 or click below and we'll contact you. 



Tags: ADT Pulse Cameras, Security Cameras and Video Surveillance Systems