Home phones are now antiques.
Most new homeowners are deciding to not go with any home phone service since everyone in the family has a mobile phone. For years security systems used the home phone line to communicate to the central station. A few years ago, people had cellular backup units for their home alarm system in case a burglar cut the phone line. However, until recently you could not have two way voice security monitoring without a home phone line.
Now more than half of our customers are having a GSM alarm installed and are using cellular communication as their primary means of having their home security system communicate to ADT. Monitoring service like two way voice is also now available via cellular communication. Within a couple of years, 80% plus of new home alarm systems installed will be GSM home alarm cellular systems.
ADT Pulse with GSM cellular will quickly become the leader in home security, home control and home automation. Soon GSM alarm systems will not only protect your home but will also allow you to control your lights and home temperature. ADT Pulse will also have integrated cameras so you can see what's happening at home from anywhere via the Internet.
GSM Cellular Alarm System Advantages
Cellular alarm systems have several advantages. The first advantage is the obvious one... you do not need home phone service or you can change home phone service providers at any time without it effecting your home alarm. Secondly, GSM cellular alarm communication is approximately 4 times faster than dial up security systems. With standard dial up, alarm systems can take up to 24 seconds for the alarm to connect to the central station... with cellular it's a quick 6 seconds. When it comes to emergencies, seconds save lives! And thirdly, a burglar can not disarm your home alarm system's ability to send signals by cutting your phone line. Phone line cut protection with a GSM alarm system gives you added peace of mind.
For small businesses, a GSM alarm is often needed to protect against the phone lines being cut. It is often very obvious where the phone lines enter commercial properties and at times entire sections of business centers share a service closet. In the back of retail store locations it is also easy to cut phone lines. Often in commercial locations, burglars have all night to firgure out how to break into your business when no one is around. A GSM alarm is very important to the security of your business if the phone lines are easily identifiable and can be quickly cut.
It is more cost effective to have a GSM alarm system installed in the first place than it is to upgrade in the future. It's about $100 more to get a GSM cellular alarm system when ordering it with new monitoring service. It will probably cost between $300-$400 to upgrade a system to cellular in the future. If you think you might eliminate your home phone service in the next several years it is to your advantage to get a GSM cellular alarm system now.
Multiple Options for a GSM Alarm
There are multiple options in equipment and monitoring services for a GSM cellular alarm system. There are cellular security options for both wireless and hard wired home alarm systems. Most recently, ADT Pulse is a cellular alarm system that communicates to the ADT Central Station Monitoring network cellularly and gives you the ability to remotely control your security system with any mobile device or computer via the Internet.
DSC, Honeywell and GE all manufacture GSM alarm systems. Each of these manufactures have home alarm system with the GSM cellular communicator built into the system and also offer external GSM cellular devices that get connected to your home alarm system. Our most popular GSM alarm control panel is the DSC 9057 Impassa which offers GSM built in and has security accessories that many customers enjoy.
ADT offers multiple cellular monitoring services that use cellular communication. Most of our customers are choosing the Cellular with Voice Connect monitoring package at $47.99 a month. It offers the best security over cellular at an affordable price. People who want to connect with their security system remotely via their smart phone are upgrading to the ADT Pulse Interactive Solutions monitoring service.
If you currently have a home alarm system in your home, you might be able to upgrade it into a GSM cellular alarm system and still use most of the current equipment that is already in your home. It would be to your advantage to have a security consultant come over to your home for a free home security review to look at your existing security system and give you your options. Call 1-800-310-9490 to schedule an appointment.
Click here for more information on GSM alarm systems and cellular monitoring services.
Related Video: Check out ADT Pulse system with built in GSM Cellular: